Saturday, December 6, 2008

The True Meaning of Christmas

I have so many wonderful friends - but Jacque McGhee has to be one of my very best friends. The other day she called me - and she was so full of emotion and passion - and I was busy and overwhelmed with all that I had on my schedule - but I stopped and listened to what she had to say. And when she was finished - I was absolutely humbled. One of her very dear friend's son has leukemia and has spent so much time here in Memphis at St. Jude's or the Ronald McDonald house this past year. Jacque was talking to her own son, Cooper, about the meaning of Christmas and what it meant to give to others in their time of need. And Cooper at his very young age - understood and said to his mom - "like Ben". Jacque herself has spent much of the last year between here and Jonesboro dealing with her mom's recent cancer diagnosis and our family has been touched by cancer with my sister-in-law's brave fight against peritoneal cancer. What Jacque wanted to do with her Christmas card photo this year was to be photographed in St. Jude apparel and in her Christmas message to all her friends and family she wanted to remind them of how fortunate we are - but also to remember those less fortunate and to give what they could to St. Jude or any other cancer fighting organization. I support her and I hope that everyone who follows my blog remembers that even in these very difficult economic times - it is important to give to other's. Even just a little - means a lot when it comes from many. May your family be blessed with health and happiness this Holiday season.

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