Saturday, November 1, 2008

Super Heroes, Sweeties, and Scary People

Things don't always go as planned and it was a little crazy around our house last night but it sure was fun. I have to say thanks to all my little Trick or Treaters last night for letting me take their pictures. I hope it was as much fun for them as it was for us. I know some of you walked away with Release Forms and some of you didn't. All of the full-res images are on a different site so if you don't see your pic click this link to see them all. Trick or Treat

If you have any questions about how to get your pics just shoot me an email to

Have to give a special shout out to the Young Guns for providing the live music for our cul-de-sac. I've been going around today with "Go, Go Godzilla" in my head.


Lori Putman said...

Those are some fantastic shots. I looked at the entire set and I can just see what a great time you had. I loved your costume Mary!

Betty "CC" Gray said...

Arrrrr...who's the hottie pirate? hahaha Looks like you had a good time with your promotion. Great turn out!